{Name (First):23.3}:
Thank you for taking the Financial Confidence Quiz. Your quiz results are intended to give you a glimpse into the areas of your financial life that you may want to address with a qualified financial professional.
Check out your results below!
It Might be Time to Start Making Plans and Build Your Confidence.
Everyone must start somewhere. Mastering your personal finances can feel like an overwhelming and complex thing to do, but it doesn’t have to be. Consider consulting a qualified financial professional who can help you understand what steps you should take today to start building a holistic plan that will help you address six financial planning considerations and work to achieve your financial goals.
Financial Risk Confidence Level
I am {Longevity Results:102}% confident that I won’t outlive my financial assets.
I am ____% confident that I will have access to liquid assets to help meet life’s unexpected financial expenses.
I am ____% confident that my assets are positioned to protect my purchasing power as cost-of-living increases over time.
I am ____% confident that my assets are positioned to avoid a possible reduction in the value at the time of withdrawal.
I am ____% confident that my financial assets and future income will not significantly decrease because of my partner’s/spouse’s death.
I am ____% confident that my income will not significantly decrease due to increasing taxes.
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Next Steps…
In appreciation of you taking the time to complete this quiz, our office will be reaching out to see if you would like to schedule a no-obligation, complimentary Financial Risk Review with a qualified financial professional.